

Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to access government records; and an officer for public 信息 and the officer's agent may not ask why you 希望他们.

All government 信息 is presumed to be available to the public. 某些例外 可适用于披露的资料.

政府机构应 promptly release requested 信息 that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or 信息 for which an exception to disclosure 没有被寻找过.


  • Prompt access to 信息 that is not confidential or otherwise protected;
  • 接受治疗 equal to all other requestors, including accommodation in accordance with the Americans 残疾人法案(ADA)的要求;
  • 接受某些类型的 无例外信息, like the voting record of public officials, and other 信息;
  • 收到一个 预估费用的书面分项说明, when charges will exceed $40, in advance of work being started and opportunity to 根据分项报表修改请求;
  • 选择是否 inspect the requested 信息 (most often at no charge), receive copies of the 信息 or both;
  • A waiver or reduction of charges if the governmental body determines that access to the 信息 主要有利于公众的;
  • 收到一个 copy of the communication from the governmental body asking the Office of the Attorney General for a ruling on whether the 信息 can be withheld under one of the accepted exceptions, or if the communication discloses the requested 信息, 删节版;
  • Lodge a written complaint about overcharges for public 信息 with the General 服务委员会. 对其他可能的违法行为的投诉可以向 county or district attorney of the county where the governmental body, other than 一个国家机构,是位于. 如果投诉是针对县或地区检察官的, the complaint must be filed with the Office of the Attorney General.

All governmental bodies responding to 信息 requests have the responsibility to:

  • 建立 合理的程序 for inspecting or copying public 信息 and inform requestors of these procedures;
  • Treat all requestors uniformly and shall give to the requestor all reasonable comfort and facility, 包括符合《正规靠谱赌博软件》规定的住宿;
  • Be informed about open records laws and educate employees on the requirements of those laws;
  • Inform requestors of the estimated charges greater than $40 and any changes in the 估计超过原始估计的20%,并且 确认请求者 accepts the charges, or has amended the request, in writing before finalizing the request;
  • Inform the requestor if the 信息 cannot be provided promptly and set 提供的日期和时间 在合理的时间内;
  • 请求 司法部长办公室的裁决 regarding any 信息 the governmental body wishes to withhold, and send a copy 送交请求人的裁定请求书或抄本;
  • 隔离 public 信息 from 信息 that may be withheld and provide that public 信息 promptly;
  • 做一个真诚的尝试 通知第三方 when their proprietary 信息 is being requested from the governmental body;
  • Respond in writing to all written communications from the General 服务委员会 关于信息的收费. 回复司法部长办公室 关于违反该法的投诉.


  1. Submit a request by mail, fax, email or in person according to a governmental body's 合理的程序.
  2. Include enough description and detail about the 信息 requested to enable the governmental body to accurately identify and locate the 信息 requested.
  3. Cooperate with the governmental body's reasonable efforts to clarify the type or amount 所要求的资料.

A. 即将公布的资料

  • You may review it promptly, and if it cannot be produced within 10 working days the public 信息 officer will notify you in writing of the reasonable date and time 什么时候可以使用.
  • 按时检查记录并领取副本. 不按时赴约 may result in losing the opportunity to inspect the 信息 at the time requested.


  • You must respond to any written estimate of charges within 10 days of the date the governmental body sent it or the request is considered automatically withdrawn.
  • 如果估计费用超过100美元.00 (or $50.如果政府机构拥有的资金少于100万美元 16 full time employees) the governmental body may require a bond, prepayment or deposit.
  • You may ask the governmental body to determine whether providing the 信息 primarily benefits the general public, resulting in a waiver or reduction of charges.
  • 及时支付所有双方同意的费用. 政府机构可以要求 支付超过$100的逾期余额.00元,或索取保证金,方可办理 处理您的其他请求.

B. 因例外情况可能被扣留的信息

  • By the 10th business day after a governmental body receives your written request, 政府机构必须:
    1. request an Attorney General opinion and state which exceptions apply;
    2. notify the requestor of the referral to the Attorney General; and
    3. notify third parties if the request involves their proprietary 信息.
  • Failure to request an Attorney General opinion and notify the requestor within 10 business days will result in a presumption that the 信息 is open unless there 是否有令人信服的理由拒绝.
  • Requestors may send a letter to the Attorney General arguing for release, and may 审查政府机构提出的论点. 如果参数披露了所请求的 信息,请求者可以获得一份编辑过的副本.
  • The Attorney General must issue a decision no later than the 45th working day from the day after the attorney general received the request for a decision. 律师 通用可要求额外延长10个工作日.
  • Governmental bodies may not ask the Attorney General to "reconsider" an opinion.


To request 信息 from this governmental body, please contact:

By mail:

Gerry L. Dickert
P.O. Box 310

通过电子邮件: openrecords@kshgxm.com

By fax: (409) 984-6032




Regarding failure to release public 信息 please contact your local County or 地方检察官.

You may also contact the Office of the Attorney General, Open Records Hotline, at (512) 478-6736或免费电话1 (877)673-6839.

For complaints regarding overcharges, please contact the General 服务委员会 at (512) 475-2497.

If you need special accommodation pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), please contact our Special Populations/Disabilities coordinator, Laurie Marcantel 电话:(409)984-6241或发邮件至 marcantella@kshgxm.com.